
Invoking elements of cinematic illusion, ritual magic, Structuralist film, and seance, Homosuperiorr performs a series of video rituals designed to imagine new possibilities. Ectoplasm, an ethereal substance which emerges from the orifice of a medium and marks ‘proof’ of spiritual contact. In these video rituals, ectoplasm emerges from Homosuperiorr’s body and marks a transition from mundane reality to the glamour of cinema, where anything can happen.

Thoughtform 001 (2020)

Thoughtform 002 (2020)

America 2: In this ritual, the artist imagines that America could look the way their body does; black, multiracial, queer, non-binary, Jewish… E pluribus unum (out of many, one). In fact, this artist’s identity could almost only exist in America. Yet, it’s marginalized; considered ‘other’.’ But what if it weren’t?

Thoughtform 003 (2021)

I Bend the Light. Commissioned by Fecund Mag, in 2019 Homosuperiorr created a photo series exploring Glamour as a manipulation of light. Thoughtform 003 is a video exploration of those same ideas.

Thoughtform 004 (2021)

Thoughtform 005 (2022)

A 30 Minute Visualizer to Cry Along To. Thoughtform 005 stretches a half-second of video into a 30 minute meditation on eternity and queer longing.


Blue Wave Trilogy

