
"Gaybashh!" is a collage series made in 2017, using pre-Modern Age comic books as source material. Inspired by the cut-up method of William Burroughs, the project liberates images and text from their heteronormative narrative constraints. Mainstream comics during the pre-Modern era were subject to censorship by organizations like the Comics Code Authority, which prohibited the inclusion of explicitly queer content. However, most of these stories focused on the relationships between muscular men in high-intensity situations; they were written by men, about men, and marketed to other men. "Gaybashh!" draws out themes of homoeroticism and homophobia, repurposing these images to convey stories from the queer experience. The series also explores the potential for language as a form of violence, utilizing the bold word art of comic books as a visual motif.


Gaybombb! (2020 -- Present)