
‘Gaybombb!’ is a follow up series to ‘Gaybashh!,’ utilizing similar themes and techniques, it also uses pre-Modern comic books as source material. Begun in 2020, "Gaybombb!" depicts an alternate history where anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is represented as a radioactive "gaybombb" that affects only queer people directly. The series traces the formation and subsequent attack on queer identities in the United States following World War II. Through a sci-fi parallel reality, "Gaybombb!" retells historical events such as the Lavender Scare, Gay Liberation movements, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. "Gaybombb!" uses recurring motifs, such as bold onomatopoeia, mechanophilia, and images within the margins to represent linguistic violence, sublimated sexuality, and marginalization, respectively. Concentric circles are another important element, relating to recurring trauma, radiation maps, and political scapegoating. The series queers the conventions of comics as a medium, through atypical panels, repurposed imagery and text, as well homoerotic subject matter.

The ‘Gaybombb!’ universe is explored through fine art collages as well as a traditional comic book series. To follow the development of this project consider supporting the ‘Gaybombb!’ Patreon, or purchase original artwork and prints here.





Gaybashh! (2017)